Vedic Mathematics
Bharatikrishna's book, Vedic Mathematics, is a list of sixteen terse sūtras, or "aphorisms", discussing strategies for mental calculation. Bharatikrishna claimed that he found the sūtras after years of studying the Vedas, a set of sacred ancient Hindu scriptures.
Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Bharatikrishna Tirtha (IAST: Jagadguru Śaṅkarācārya Svāmī Bhāratīkṛṣṇa Tīrtha) (1884–1960), born Venkataraman Shastri (IAST: Veṅkatarāmaṇ Śāstrī), was an Indian Hindu monk and Shankaracharya of Govardhana Math in Puri in the Indian state of Odisha, from 1925 through 1960. He is particularly known for his book Vedic Mathematics.

Mathematics is an area of knowledge that includes Numbers, Formulas, Structures, shapes, space, Quantities, Measurement, Data.
BODMAS – Brackets Orders, Division, Multiplication. Addition. Subtraction.
Multiple steps methods example multiplication.
Mathematics is an area of knowledge that includes Numbers, Formulas, Structures, shapes, space, Quantities, Measurement, Data.
BODMAS – Brackets Orders, Division, Multiplication. Addition. Subtraction
Vedic Mathematics
Vedic Maths is systematic collection of methods(16 Sutras &13 Sub Sutras) to solve numerical problems quickly & accurately.
Single operation like multiplication can be solved in 6 different ways using sutras.
No multiple steps required can be solved mentally.
Mathematics, for many students, is no less furious than a demon. Many students feel sleepy as soon as they open the Mathematics book. Their score in mathematics is very less. They just give up saying that they can’t do it. Unfortunately, math avoidance leads to less competency, exposure and math practice

Benefits of Vedic Mathematics
Ability to strengthen the intuition and innovation of the person

Intuition and Innovation
Ability to strengthen the intuition and innovation of the person.

Memory & Concentration
Increases Focus, Memory & Concentration.

Solving sums
Enables Solving sums in a single step.

Speed and Accuracy
Enhances Speed and Accuracy.

Mental calculation
Enhances mental calculation ability.

Quick learning
Improves Performances in Competitive Exams.